One of the best things about this platform is the UML sequence markup that makes this a very credible platform. It helps create any of the types of UML diagram according to your needs without any kind of hassle. The platform is so interactive and versatile that majority of the developers and business professionals leverage their sources to get the UML diagrams sorted. When it comes to online diagramming tools, it goes without saying that Lucidchartis one of the most versatile options. With the basic intro and understanding out of the way, let us focus on some of the best UML diagramming tools that you can look into. This is one of the reasons why majority of the businessprofessionals first tally the type of UML diagram they need and choose the tool for the same accordingly. What we mean is that it helps you leverage the salient tool that is targeted for that specific type of diagram. The reason why knowing these different sub types is important is because it helps you draw the diagram better. To be honest, there are quite a few that you need to look through. With the basic discussion out of the way, it is common for people to want to know what kinds of types are present when it comes to UML diagram.